Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Black Randy & the Metrosquad - Pass the dust, I think I'm Bowie 1979

san francisco

dangerhouse records' only sons.

punk, no wave, new wave, "r&b", blah blah blah. i honestly couldn't give a fuck what YOU want to call them, but i would suggest you start with, oh, i don't know....fun, great, hilarious, original, so on, so on....

anything that you might be able to find about this band will certainly suggest that if black randy had not founded this label, this album may have never found a home. the subversive nature of black randy's music(it's really not even very offensive, unless your dumb, or maybe have no sense of humor) supposedly even scared bands away from signing to dangerhouse, for fear of "career" suicide by way of association with black randy. Sort of unbelievable, when you remember that this is the same scene that spawned, characters of the likes of Lee Ving and Darby Crash, amongst hordes of other creeps, weirdos and coprophiliacs. (in case you did not know, shit has been a huge part of punk scenes, LA to NY, GG to Darby, to our very own Black Randy. Apparently he used to shit in women's purses.) note: this blog thinks shit, and its lovers, are gross. but remember kids, art should not necessarily be defined by its creator's character.

anyways, enough with the background already, this is a great listen, and an important one in my opinion. you have everything here, and that is why this gets the MUST HEAR/HAVE tag. high points: "i tell lies everyday", "barefootin' on the wicket picket", "sperm bank baby", "idi amin," ............the whole fucking thing! just get it already.

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