Friday, October 15, 2010

...went to the store for a pack of smokes.

i know, i know. i am sure that none of you need another absent parent in your life, but fuck you--we're stuck with one another. shut up and enjoy daddy's wealth...

zach hill - face tat 2010

zach hill, though probably most known for his drumming in hella, and his solo records, has played with nervous cop (which is fucking awesome), team sleep, marnie stern, one of omar rodriguez-lopez's many groupos, holy smokes, and those are just a few i know/like with tons more i'm sure. this album is much like his last, noisy, weird, pop with crazy drums and programming? green bricks is worth the download itself. not to say that the rest is disposable, look, just get it.

Salem - King Knight 2010

traverse city, michigan. i know right. anyhow, there isn't much to say. some of you have this, and anyone who doesn't is the reason it is here. j, it still hasn't lost me. thanks.
so, get a bottle of cheap booze, and play this really loud in your room alone once you hit the halfway point of that bottle. you know i detest the terminology, but in the witch house/witch step pools there is probably no finer pedigree.

Catholic Spray/Zyklon Beach - Fruits of the Moon (split cassette) 2010

noisy french garage rock, or so i've read. fucking awesome. this thing sounds so good.

don't even question it.

1 comment:

  1. i love zach hill! after this brilliant album, i'm convinced he's the reason Cryptomnesia is so fucking awesome.
